From Stars to Atoms: Discovering the Wonders of Nanoworld
In high school, I was fascinated by astronomy and used telescopes to gaze at the vast cosmos. Now, as a materials scientist, I use electron microscopes to explore the tiny realm of atoms and molecules. Studying the nanoscale is not only a way to satisfy our curiosity, but also a means to create new technologies that can improve our lives. We are on an exciting journey to the frontiers of science and innovation, and hopefully, we will reach them with compassion and not conflict.
Communicate Your Research to Kids by Writing for Frontiers for Young Minds
Frontiers for Young Minds believes that the best way to make cutting-edge science discoveries available to younger audiences is to enable young people and scientists to work together to create articles that are both top quality and exciting. We are committed to providing high-quality, plain-language articles about cutting-edge science. Researchers have a chance to reframe their own recent research and publications into language that can be understood by a younger audience. Authors need to respond to and integrate the feedback provided by their Young Reviewers.
Featured on Media
November 2024
PNNL News: Du Wins Early Career Award from AVS Division
July 2024
PNNL News: Du Selected for Lindau Spirit Fellowship
May 2023
PNNL News: Du Appointed Associate Editor of Frontiers for Young Minds
March 2023
PNNL News: Du Wins Distinguished Student Award
March 2022
PNNL News: Du Named to Early Career Editorial Advisory Board
September 2021
International Institute for Nanotechnology News: Jingshan Du receives award for excellence in materials and metallurgical engineering
May 2020 Du awarded SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship
International Institute for Nanotechnology News: Scholarship awarded for study of nanoparticle structures and dynamics
May 2018
NanoScientific Magazine (Vol 13, pp. 23-24) and the Park AFM website
April 2015
Cover story on Zhejiang University website: Asking Myself at the Finish Line of College